The ESP32-C6 is Espressif’s first Wi-Fi 6 SoC integrating 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5 (LE) and the 802.15.4 protocol. It brings the goodness you know from the and improves it with Zigbee/802.15.4 at 2.4Ghz. !
Adafruit took their and swapped out the 'S2 for a C6. Plus some re-routing and here's what we've got: a C6 Feather with lots of GPIO, , NeoPixel, I2C Stemma QT port, and a second low-quiescent LDO for disabling the I2C and NeoPixel when we want ultra-low power usage - as low as 17uA in deep sleep.
One thing to watch for is that, like the C3, the C6 does not have native USB. It does have a 'built in' USB Serial core that can be used for debugging, but it cannot act like a mouse, keyboard, or disk drive. That means you will need to use WiFi, Bluetooth or WebSerial for transferring files back and forth rather than drag-and-dropping to a drive. Ditto for the bootloader side, this chip cannot run UF2.
Another thing to be aware of, is the ESP32-C6 does not have as many GPIO as the ESP32-S2 or ESP32-S3, so A2 is the same GPIO pin as IO6 and A3 is the same pin as IO5. However, this gives it the most compatibility with existing FeatherWings.